domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

Extracto de un libro que estoy leyendo

People who like to explore and learn always make mistakes. Curious
and intelligent people inevitably make errors. Someone who never
makes a mistake is a narrow-minded individual who stays in his shell,
never does anything new and always repeats himself. Whenever I hire
people, I tell them that I expect them to make mistakes—it is a part of
their job description! I also tell them that what makes me really angry
is when people repeat mistakes.
Making mistakes is a sign of learning and exploring. Repeating mistakes
is a sign of laziness, carelessness, or some neurotic problems.
There is a nice piece of advice in an old Russian saying: “Do not step
on the same rake twice!”.

4 comentarios:

Julián dijo...

Libro de finanzas (Sell and sell short), pero tiene estas cosas.

Kco dijo...

q bueno esto "Making mistakes is a sign of learning and exploring. Repeating mistakes
is a sign of laziness, carelessness, or some neurotic problems."

Julián dijo...

Sí, muy bueno.

Basta Fuerte dijo...

Se acerca fin de año y en Basta Fuerte decidimos buscar los mejores temas del año que se va. Sera Between the lines de Stone Temple Pilots? Hombres en U de Divididos? El dorado de Iron Maiden? Calamaro haciendo cumbia? ayudanos a elegir los 10 del 10